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Client Success Stories

Thompson Community Services - Leadership Development

TCS a large social services agency with offices and 800 staff located throughout BC, had a need to develop it leaders.  In 2016, they partnered with LeadingCulture’s to customize the Values-Based Leadership (VBL) program to provide ongoing development for their managers. By leveraging they VBL program, they are able to equip their managers with the necessary tools and skills needed to lead effectively. Call us now and see how our values-based leadership program can help you customize a development plan for your organization.

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake - Strategy Development

Tioweró:ton Territory is a wonderful wilderness area and recreational parkland. With over 18,376 Acres Tiowero:ton provides lots of space for Mohawk people to partake in their favorite recreational pastime
It is a place to get away from it all – a truly special place. The goal was to put in place a 5-year strategic and operational plan and develop policies to govern the territory.

LeadingCulture used a strong, tried and tested strategic planning process.  Prior to the strategy session a comprehensive environmental scan was conducted, which included conducting ten (10) one on one interviews with committee members, facilitating and community consultation that was attended by twenty-six community members and cabin owners, a key stakeholder survey, and a focus group with the Mohawk Council of Chiefs.

Tetra-Society - Conference Planning

The success of LeadingCulture is defined by its exceptional conference planning services and its commitment to forging partnerships that make a difference. One such partnership is with Tetra Society, a pioneering organization that develops innovative solutions to help individuals with physical disabilities overcome environmental barriers.

Working in close collaboration, LeadingCulture and Tetra Society designed highly engaging conferences that brought together staff, volunteers, and partners. Through their shared vision and dedication to excellence, they created events that were inclusive, informative, and inspiring.

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